Monday, June 11, 2018

Baby steps

June 11, 2018 Posted by Bazinga No comments
Earlier this morning, I said to myself that I need a reset button!

I think God heard me.

I was listening to Kap's trading series and ZFT Mesino shared that when he was starting out, he was mastering one trading strategy at a time.

That hit me. He's right and that's the reason why i felt that i lost.

I don't have any direction. I just learn, learn, learn unsystematically.

In the next couple of days, I will focus on Moving Averages.

You have to remind yourself that you are trading not for profit but to master trading. It may take months or even years but in time, you will reach there.

Just believe and ask God for guidance, patience and strength.

Adios Amigos.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reset button

June 10, 2018 Posted by Bazinga No comments

I'm lost.

I've been reading a lot, you name it tutorials, books, blogs, forums, fb pages and the like and everything is cluttered in my tiny brain. I'm lost with this tons of information.

I need a reset button.

I need to stop and just focus on one strategy.

I need to remind myself that i'm a newly born fish in this huge wide ocean. Theres no point in learning all those tricks from whales snd sharks. I need to focus on one system that works.

Remind yourself that theres no point in making your own system as you never experience success yet. I need to learn more. I need to make mistakes and I need more failures.


You'll get there. Trust yourself. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon. Only the motivated and disciplined reaches the finish line.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Candlestick Study: Chapter 2.1 - ABA

June 02, 2018 Posted by Bazinga , No comments
So ABA has been on a downtrend for too long.

Looking at the charts, we see an inverted hammer.

It means that there would be a trend reversal.

RSI is oversold
MACD is at the lowest.

Trading strategy, Buy on the next candle and sell @ the resistance in which we will gain 10 %.

Lets see