Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reset button

June 10, 2018 Posted by Bazinga No comments

I'm lost.

I've been reading a lot, you name it tutorials, books, blogs, forums, fb pages and the like and everything is cluttered in my tiny brain. I'm lost with this tons of information.

I need a reset button.

I need to stop and just focus on one strategy.

I need to remind myself that i'm a newly born fish in this huge wide ocean. Theres no point in learning all those tricks from whales snd sharks. I need to focus on one system that works.

Remind yourself that theres no point in making your own system as you never experience success yet. I need to learn more. I need to make mistakes and I need more failures.


You'll get there. Trust yourself. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon. Only the motivated and disciplined reaches the finish line.



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