Thursday, May 24, 2018

Watchlist: MRP Part 2

May 24, 2018 Posted by Bazinga No comments
As mentioned on the my previous post, MRP might pullback and it did.

I'm not an expert but it seems all my reading paid off.

If i will trade this stock, since its on sideways, i will enter @ 6.13 cut loss @ 6 which is 2%.

Will sell on 6.43 which 4% profit. I could wait for the breakout which will give me 8.79% gain but there's no strong confirmation that stock is trending up as it hasn't broken the 20 EMA resistance and RSI is @ 40.

If theres a huge volume in the next coming days and RSI goes up, then will wait for the 8.79% profit target.

Update: 05/26/2018

Price did plummet @ 5.91. Below 20 EMA.

Trading strategy: check if support @ 5.50 or midline support @ 5.93 will hold. Won't enter unless there's confirmation. Way too risky


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